

@selkt is a tiny store library built using classes and typescript.

It has a similar api to Zustand except that the .set command is always exposed by default.

Getting Started

npm install @selkt/core immer

If you are using React you can also install the React hook:

npm install @selkt/react

High level


The core package used to create stores.

The core package contains one type export:

And two class exports:

  • MutableSelectable - The base Selectable class. Updates state with vanilla mutations (bring your own immutable library)
  • Selectable - extends MutableSelectable but uses immer to ensure state mutations are immutable

As well as four utility functions: shallowEqual, shallowEqualArray, deepEqual and strictEqual


The React package contains one hook:

  • useSelectable - A hook that returns a Selectable instance and subscribes to it's state changes